A New Day
Abstract modern oil painting, handpainted by the master painter of Casarti.
- Modern oil painting,completely handpainted.
- It is stretched on a quality frame of 2 cm or 4cm thickness.
- The edges are painted as well.
- The painting can be hung up easily with the accompanying brackets.
- We deliver all over Europe.
- When purchasing paintings, you enjoy a 14-day online purchase guarantee.
- Delivery time: 20-22 working days.
150 x 75 cm - 1x 40x40cm , 1x 20x50cm , 1x 30x75cm , 1x 60x40cm
175 x 90 cm - 1x 45x45cm , 1x 25x55cm , 1x 35x90cm , 1x 70x45cm
210 x 110 cm - 1x 55x55cm , 1x 28x72cm , 1x 44x110cm ,1x 83x55cm
Do you wish to see how this painting looks like in your own home?
No problem, send us a photo of the room and we will make a free design for you.
Examples of this painting in a living room.
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The painting is stretched on a high-quality frame of sturdy pine wood. You can choose between 2cm or 4cm thick frame.