We can make customized paintings in any desired size, model or color.
For example, it is possible to change the size or the colors of a painting. You can use the form at the bottom of this page for this.
If you have found a painting on the internet, it is also possible that we adjust it to your wishes. For this you can best send us an email with the photo and/or the link to the painting.
Send your mail to
Some customization options:
Adjust painting size / painting size.
Have you seen a nice painting, but is the size too small or too large? We can make the painting for you in any desired size.
Free design of a painting in your interior.
Do you want to be able to see how the painting is in your desired interior in the size, design or colors you want?
Mail us a photo of your interior and tell us which painting it is about.
Indicate the available space such as the height behind a sofa up to the ceiling, and the available width.
We make a simulation design for you with the photo of your interior and the painting exactly in the right size and proportions.
For this, go to customized advice.
This service is completely free.
Repainting your own photo or idea into a beautiful oil painting is also possible!